Scoreboard Sales Reps Win Big with 30% More Selling Time

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt may be the most dreaded statistic in sales management: The average rep spends only about 1/3 of their time selling. In other words, we employ salespeople at $100,000 a year and they spend less than 3 hours a day doing what we pay them to do....

3 Popular Lies That Spell Death to Your Win Rate

Reading Time: 2 minutesFrom the day you started your first sales job, you’ve been getting advice on what it takes to be a success. And everybody means well. But not all well-meaning advice is good advice. Some may actually be backfiring. Here are some words of wisdom...

How to Keep your Remote Sales Teams Happy and Productive

Reading Time: 2 minutesYou’re about to lose your sales team. Or at least their presence. The mobile workforce is on the rise and a significant number of companies expect that more than 75 percent of their staffs will be working remotely by 2020. And your sales team is...