4 Key Mobile Stats to Inform Your Sales Process

4 Key Mobile Stats to Inform Your Sales Process

Reading Time: 4 minutesGoogle recently came out with a report on How People Use Their Devices (download the full report here.) You need to read it and share with your reps. (But in case you don’t have the time, we have put together 4 Key Takeaways for you below.) It...

3 Popular Lies That Spell Death to Your Win Rate

Reading Time: 2 minutesFrom the day you started your first sales job, you’ve been getting advice on what it takes to be a success. And everybody means well. But not all well-meaning advice is good advice. Some may actually be backfiring. Here are some words of wisdom...
Why “Always Be Closing” Doesn’t Work in 2017

Why “Always Be Closing” Doesn’t Work in 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes“It’s a game,” the company’s top salesperson coached. “If you don’t close the deal, they win.” We’ve all met hard closers like these. They’re the ones who gave sales such a bad name in the last century. They’re still around and they still make...
What Your Salespeople Need to Win Big Customers

What Your Salespeople Need to Win Big Customers

Reading Time: 2 minutesLarge, strategic accounts do not come easy. You need to be willing to make a significant investment and take a different approach. It doesn’t have to be complicated. But if you want the sales salespeople charged with winning large accounts to...